As spring slowly peeks around the corner, I am finding myself stretched as my daily life pulls me in multiple directions and the Lord leads me to new heights. This winter and spring have placed many new opportunities and challenges in front of me. First was the influenza-like virus that lingered on for two months, giving me a new appreciation for the blessing of good health. The second challenge is the next step for my life and earnestly seeking the Lord. Singleness is such a precious gift. I want to live it to the fullest -- to be the vessel Paul speaks about in II Timothy 4, poured out for those around me.
So, while my corner of the web has been quiet, my life has been the opposite. It is quite the mental exercise to constantly switch from one thing to the next. In between writing case briefs, drafting search warrants, researching juvenile delinquency and pregnancy, and studying for exams, I rush between meetings, the local pregnancy resource center, and my two jobs. One hour finds me explaining the classical period of music and how to articulate phrases in Mozart's pieces while the next might find me trying to stay balanced in the back of the ambulance while doing CPR on an overdose patient. I also do lessons over Skype, which is great, but technology inevitably stops working just when you need it (windy days really do affect Internet quality).
Did I also mention that I have also become somewhat a morning person? It's hard to believe it took a type-A like me several years to realize that I can fit more in my day if I get up at 6 a.m. I also think (as other college students will probably agree) that you don't start losing your memory at age 50 -- I lost mine when I got to college. I would not survive without my iPhone calendar and alarm apps. Yesterday found me taking two trips to the laundry room to get things out of my tactical pant pockets because I forgot what I had taken with me and which pocket I put them in. I apparently didn't remember everything because a pair of exam gloves still went through the laundry (thank goodness I rescued the lip balm and the hand sanitizer).
Spotify Premium and my car have become two of my best friends. I spend a lot of time with both of them. I have also increased my time management skills in an effort to become more creative, more efficient, and do even more. That can be both good and bad (I have yet to learn how to say no and keep my life more balanced). Did you know you can empty three wastebaskets and take out the trash in the time it takes to brew a cup of tea? I learned that today.
The third major challenge is keeping my relationship with the Lord first in my life and people second, above everything else. Taking the time to listen and pray with someone is far more important than studying an extra hour and getting an A on that exam. Time in the car is a great opportunity to spend time with the Lord in prayer. Audio Bible apps are a great way to do your devotions and memorize Scripture. I also love the SheReadsTruth app that offers free downloadable wallpapers for my iPhone. That way, the first thing I see when I turn my phone on or before I type in my access code is a Scripture verse.
In the midst of a jam-packed life, I was so thankful to get away for a week over spring break and spend precious time with family. It was such a blessing to enjoy the beach, spectacular sunsets, good food, and fellowship. The Lord has given us so many blessings if we just take the time to notice them, enjoy them, and be thankful.
With that, I'll close with a verse that has been close to my heart during these past two months. How thankful I am to be a treasured daughter of the King who protects me, delivers me, and loves me beyond what I could ever imagine.
"My goodness, and my fortress;
my high tower, and my deliverer;
my shield, and He in whom I trust."
- Psalm 144:2