December 30, 2014

As the New Year Dawns || A Prayer

"Jesus, Redeemer and my One Inspirer,
Heat in my coldness, set my life aglow;
Break down my barriers; draw, yea, draw me nigher,
Thee would I know, whom it is life to know.

"Deepen me, rid me of the superficial,
From pale delusion set my spirit free;
All my interior being quick unravel;
Pluck forth each thread of insincerity.

"Thy vows are on me, O to serve Thee truly --
Love perfectly, in purity obey --
Burn, burn, O Fire; O Wind, now winnow throughly;
O Sword, awake against the flesh and slay.

"O that in me
Thou, my Lord, may see
Of the travail of Thy soul,
And be satisfied."
- Amy Carmichael

"Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting."
- Psalm 139:23-24


  1. Beautiful! I especially like the lines "Rid me of the superficial, from pale delusion set my spirit free"
    Love you!

    1. Thanks, Mom! Me too. I love the depth of meaning and truth her words express.
