February 5, 2013

II Corinthians 9:8

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This verse was part of my devotions this morning and I was reminded anew how thankful I am for the grace of God.
The grace that reached down and saved me.
The grace that is greater than all my sin.
The grace that is new every morning, always abounding and never running out.
The wonderful grace that is sufficient for me, even me.
When I read the verse early in my day, I had a feeling it was going to be a long day.
It was. I was gone most of the morning -- the time when I am fresh and like to do the bulk of my studying. I had trouble concentrating on the bit of homework I tried to do before I left. I ended up with a migraine in the afternoon. And I got anxious when I started worrying about the future -- decisions I need to make -- and getting tired of waiting.
Yet, reflecting back on the day, His grace was there. I was able to accomplish the homework I needed to get done and things didn't turn out so bad after all.
As for the worries, well, as Elisabeth Elliot stated in the talk I listened to in the car, our imaginations always seem to leave out the grace of God. Our minds get carried away with scenarios and what ifs and we forget God's grace.
We forget that He will not give us a situation and then hold back the grace we need to get through it. No, that isn't how He operates. His calling is His enabling. Everything that touches us has already passed through His loving, sovereign hands.
It is that truth that brings peace and comfort to my restless soul. "A quiet heart is content with what God gives. It is enough. All is grace" (Elisabeth Elliot).
All is grace.


  1. Love it, Kate! I'm currently learning to embrace grace myself for each day with the, ah...interesting situations that arise. :) Oh, God is so willing to lavish His grace upon us; what a reassuring thought! (I wish that I would remember that more often!)

    Thank you for sharing! :)

    1. Hi, Taylor! So good to hear from you! You are so right...God is always willing to lavish His grace on us, but how often we forget that truth and stop living in sight of it. As Laura Story's beautiful song "Grace" asks, "How many times will You pick me up, when I keep on letting you down? And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?" He will keep helping us back up and His forgiveness abounds far more than we could ever imagine. What wonderful grace!


  2. Thanks, Katie! I was encouraged by reading this. :) Hope you're feeling better!

    1. I'm glad it was an encouragement to you. :) I am feeling better, thank you!

      Praying for you and see you Sunday, Lord willing!
