May 7, 2014


It's Wednesday and I'm squinting at the computer screen as I write because my eyes are dilated from an eye appointment this morning. The sun is shining brightly outside and it's the most beautiful day we've had in several weeks. I love having the patio door open. Listening to the birds sing and the wind blow through the trees is the perfect background for computer work.

We have waited so long for spring this year. It seemed like it would never come.

But it has. At last.

Watching the seasons change offers us such a vivid analogy of our own lives. Our lives are not static. Jobs change, circumstances change, people change. We all have periods of "winter" - darkness, suffering, waiting. It seems like the morning will never come. It does. The night will not last forever (Psalm 30:5). Even a hundred years of winter in Narnia came to an end.

God is faithful throughout our dynamic seasons. He will never change. He will never let go. He is our unchanging Rock of defense, our stronghold, and our refuge. What peace that brings to my soul.

"But I will sing of Thy power;
yea, I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning:
for Thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.
Unto Thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy."
- Psalm 59:16-17